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Semiliki Trust



Semiliki Trust was set up in April 2010 to support a network of inspirational health and social projects in conflict-affected eastern Congo (DRC). These provide essential services to a million people.

It was set up by Nigel Pearson and friends in UK. Semiliki is run by trustees and advisers, who all volunteer their time. We have no overheads in the UK so all money donated goes to projects in DRC.

Trustees   Joss Saunders (chair), Kate Goodacre, Ruth Lockley (administrator), Lucy Saunders, Peter Pearson (treasurer), Rob Wendover and Sam Pearson.

Advisory Panel  Tim Goodacre (surgical adviser), Sii Cockerill (web communications), and Nigel Pearson (health advisor).

Mahagi Hospital, south of Aru, on the border with Uganda, one of more than 60 hospitals and health centres supported by Semiliki

How it all began

Medical work for the Anglican church in Zaïre started in the 1970s. Nigel worked in eastern DRC in the 1990s, helping to run a hospital and nursing college in Boga, south of Bunia, Ituri, DRC, above the Semiliki river valley. The Semiliki river at this point forms the border between Congo and Uganda, taking water running off the Ruwenzori mountains and the hills of the Great Rift Valley. Nigel was a guest of the Anglican church of Congo, and appointed as government District Medical Officer of Boga health district. He makes frequent visits back to Congo to support the health coordination teams of the Service Médical, and the other projects that Semiliki supports. Kate and Tim, and Peter have also had the opportunity of visiting projects and being recipients of amazing Congolese hospitality.

Boga nursing college in 1996. Nigel with students and staff. Raymond Gbombo (back row, 5th from right) is now national medical coordinator of the Service Médical.

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