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Nigel Pearson

Health Adviser

Nigel worked as a clinician in DRC with the Anglican Church of Congo (when the country was called Zaïre) between 1991 and 1999, with the Church Mission Society. He was District Medical Officer of Boga Medical Zone and director of Boga Nurse Training Institute. Since leaving he has maintained very close contacts with many friends in DRC, and this network formed the basis on which Semiliki Trust could be built in 2010. He travels regularly to see Semiliki-supported projects and encourage and advises the nurses, doctors and church leaders who run these inspiring projects. Nigel lives in Oxford and is involved in St Matthew’s Church, where he is part of the music and leadership teams.

Since 1999, Nigel worked with many humanitarian agencies in Congo. He now specialises in strengthening health systems in fragile states, working with Health Ministries, donors and UN organisations. He has supported development of the health system across the Somali states and in Libya, was involved in designing the UK-led Health Pooled Fund in South Sudan, has advised the Global Fund on their programming in fragile states and written national treatment guidelines with WHO in Somalia, South Sudan and Liberia. He has worked on UNHCR’s global public health strategy for refugees. He is currently working with International Medical Corps supporting the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Nigel also works as a GP in Oxford.

As Semiliki advisor, he regularly visits partners and projects in DRC and has facilitated workshops for the medical coordinators.

Nigel with the team at St Matthieu Hospital, Bukavu

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