Our friends in Congo are often overcome by crises. In the last few months these have included the terrifying Ebola epidemic that continues to rage around Butembo and Beni, and pockets of extreme violence. We in Semiliki try to respond when we can with donations to help in very practical ways.
Ebola had, by 31 May, infected 1974 cases and caused the date of 1323 people. The Congolese health ministry have led a very robust response including vaccinating case contacts, but their efforts have been significantly set back by militia who have brutally targetted the Ebola responders, including (unbelievably) attacking Ebola Treatment Centres. 132 health centres have been attacked, and 4 health workers killed.
Semiliki has sent small sums to help health workers purchase more disinfectant, buckets, gloves and equipment for handwashing. Recently the orphanage in Butembo has been able, with Semiliki funds, to build an incinerator, large basins for washing clothes, install new toilets and several handwashing sites (with water tanks and taps set on brick and cement stand.

Thousands of families living in Kamango had to flee from brutal militia attacksto to the village of Nobili right on the border with Uganda. This included 135 patients in Kamango hospital. We recently heard that 5 people from Kamango had been killed in the violence. Semiliki has sent money to be used for food and emergency cooking items for the displaced people.
We’ve just heard that there has clashes around Fizi and Baraka on Lake Tanganyika have resulted in tens of thousands being displaced. The health centres of Epombo and Musika that are supervised by the coordination team from Bukavu were looted of all their equipement and drugs (although were not destroyed like some other centres in the area). We hope to send something to help them buy emergency drugs to respond.
By giving regularly to Semiliki, we can respond to these and many other crises.