We’re delighted to report that our operating kit appeal raised a total of £46,100, including a very generous donation from ECHO. This enabled us to supply 3 operating theatres with high quality appropriate surgical kit.
Our brilliant supplier Medaid also added in almost double the value in free equipment and supplies that they have received from their various sources. It was packed into 3 large crates, flown to Entebbe in Uganda and taken by lorry across the border into Congo. Church leader Ande in Aru negotiated the lowest customs rates at the border, and the kit has been distributed to Aru, Mahagi and Bukiringi hospitals by the medical coordination team in Aru.

There has been much celebration at the three sites, where special ceremonies of dedication of the equipment have been organised to thank God and supporters of Semiliki Trust for this generous provision.

“C’est fantastique!” as Ande said. In an 8 page thank you letter, Pastor Droma said, that when God helps, it is through the heart of someone that only God knows. The generosity inspired the president of Aru hospital committee to donate a new solar panel to provide more power to the operating theatre.
In Bukiringi in a letter from the Chief and signed by 56 members of the population they said that “this gift will be etched in our memory from generation to generation”.

We’d like to thank all of you our supporters for making such a palpable difference to the quality of surgical services in our partner communities.