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Building hospitals

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Our Semiliki partners are all busy developing their health centres and hospitals. This year we plan to support two major projects: 1. Construction and 2. Equipment. This blog is about construction.

Many building projects are already underway. We would like to raise money to help nurse Anyasi and the team in Olongba finish their Paediatric block, so that conditions won’t be as crowded as they currently (in the above photo). They have already raised resources locally and built a large ward.  They need money to finish the plastering, put in ceiling, windows and doors, and buy beds, mattresses and ward equipment. It does look as if the building is going down hill… but we hope that is just from a tilted camera…!

Paediatric block at Olongba Hospital
Internal plastering in paediatric block, Olongba

At Masiki in Butembo, they are building a diagnostic centre for X-ray, ultrasound and laboratory. A really solid construction now needs completion with plastering, painting and furniture. Semiliki would also like to buy one of Medaid’s digital X-rays – a robust, fully digital system designed for Africa – for Butembo and also for Aru Cité Hospital. These are hospitals we equipped with surgical equipment in the past two years but they’ve never had X-ray, which makes diagnosis very hard for orthopaedic problems and chest disease.

Diagnostic centre, Masiki Hospital, in construction

We’d like to contribute to complete and furnish the building. Masiki have also started foundations for a new operating theatre at Butembo, and we hope to contribute to the construction. In addition, there are several health centres that are building much needed maternity wards with delivery suites. The last time we helped Bilima Health Centre we contributed in 2015 towards roofing sheets on the consultation block. This time we’d like to contribute to the maternity.

Consultation block in Bilima Health Centre, north of Bukiringi.

Do support us, either with regular or one off giving! We’ll be announcing fundraising events later in the year, but will get going with some of these projects as resources come in.

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