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They did it!

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Jonathan, Anne, Lucy and Dave successfully completed the Great River Race in support of Semiliki Trust!

Did you know that the Semiliki is a river that flows along the border between Congo and Uganda, and is a tributary of the Nile? This is the first time our supporters have raised money by racing along a river – seems very appropriate!

The team write:

“We did it! Rowing skiff Hebe shot across the finishing line at Ham House, Richmond, 3 hours, 25 minutes and 8 seconds after setting out from Docklands on Saturday. We took part in the Great River Race – London’s river marathon – along with 350 other skiffs, gigs, canoes and dragon boats. The course was almost 22 miles, past many of London’s iconic buildings, and under 28 bridges, cheered on by enthusiastic supporters. The Semiliki flag flew from the bows, watched by thousands as we passed through Richmond, and a group of Hebe-supporting walkers waved us onwards to the finish.

Semiliki Hebe in some Boat Traffic

We were delighted both to complete the challenge and help launch the St Matthieu Health Centre operating theatre project. in Bukavu.  Hebe’s adventure in London has raised £4,800 (including Gift Aid) towards the project so far – and there is still chance to donate at http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/semiliki.hebe.  All the money raised will go towards the building work, purchasing bricks and mortar, steel reinforcing rods, wood, nails and a lot more.  You’ll be able to follow progress of the building project on this blog.

Semiliki Hebe in Full Swing

We raise our oars to all who supported us and donated so generously – we had a great day, fantastic support from friends and family and we are delighted to have raised so much towards the St Matthieu Hospital project.”

Thanks to Jonathan, Anne, Lucy and Dave for giving it their oar-ll!!